In the month of September, Bill Hotz & Associates hosted the Real Volunteers Campaign to celebrate the volunteer spirit that makes Knoxville such a wonderful place to live. It is the people of Knoxville, and their passion for our community that embody this spirit, so we decided to honor an unsung hero who has selflessly dedicated themselves to the betterment our community. The winner would receive a $250 donation to the organization of their choice and a Smokey Grey Tennessee jersey as personal gift to them. We heard about many kind-hearted, passionate people through the nominations received and, though we wish could honor them all, Kim Cantrell certainly stood out among the crowd.
Kim is the single mother of two teenagers and founder of Knoxville Pays it Forward. After volunteering for many years feeding the homeless with Lost Sheep Ministries, Kim was inspired to start the Facebook group for KPIF. The group is a place for Knoxvillians to share and support each other in times of need. With over a thousand members, KPIF hosts fundraisers, helps to expand existing programs for the underprivileged, and connects individual donors with others in need.
In her nomination, Lavin Justesen said of Kim: “She is my role model, my inspiration. Kim always puts the needs of others before herself and her work is changing Knoxville into a better place. I am blessed and proud to work with and know her. She deserves all the recognition and more for the wonderful, selfless work she does every single day for the people of Knoxville.”
The $250 donation will go to Knoxville Pays it Forward; we are honored to have participated in Kim’s effort to make a difference in our community and congratulate her for her real volunteer spirit!